Thursday, October 1, 2020

Chinese PLA deploys curved balloon A2A launchers near Indian border in Tibet as Chinese propaganda fails miserably


Taiwan’s Teng Yun 2.0 has flown


MQ-9 cleared to carry 8 Hellfire missiles

 A new software upgrade for the MQ-9 will now allow the unmanned air vehicle to carry up to eight AGM-114 Hellfire missiles.

ATAC’s Mirage F1s will be going to Eglin to train F-22 and F-35 pilots

Virginia-based Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC) will send its fleet of Mirage F1 fighters to Eglin Air Force Base by January 2021 for aggressor training against F-22 and F-35 pilots there.


Northrop Grumman Cargo Launch to the Space Station from NASA Wallops in Virginia


Czech Army Trucks Practice Driving Around Slippery Roads


The RIPSAW® M5 is Mission Ready


USN F-35C Lightning II Takeoff From Aircraft Carrier (2020)



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